
PHP Chess is a correspondence chess server environment written in PHP and javascript with a drag and drop interface,
and MySQL backend. The players of the chess game are notified by email when their opponent has made a move.
Eventually players will be able to log into their own environment setup games to play, and be able
to subscribe to others games, as well as use skinable chess sets.


5/16/2002 Uploaded the version to CVS.
PHP Chess now works with Netscape 6.2 and IE6. I wanted to do an Opera port, but dynamic pages are a pain without the
innerHTML() method. Hopefully the DOM will slip that in the 2.0 spec. It is a really useful method.
I also added en passant, castling and promotion to the chess board. Hopefully I can get working on the backend again.

5/1/2002 Uploaded the version to CVS.
Currently PHP chess is only working on Internet Explorer 5+.

Demo: PHP Chess updated 5/16/2002